All charters of the Ruffians Motorcycle Club shall adopt and abide by this constitution that defines the Club’s organization, objective, membership, officer requirements, ownership of patches, and expectation of members across all charters. Each charter shall adopt independent bylaws to address any charter-specific rules and regulations such as specific charitable focus, charter meetings, charter dues, officer elections, and other items not included in the Club Constitution.
ARTICLE I – Organization
The organization shall be known as the Ruffians Motorcycle Club, henceforth known as the Club, Club, or MC.
ARTICLE II – Objective
The Ruffians Motorcycle Club is a traditional motorcycle club made up exclusively of Master Masons that follow MC protocols, but also adhere to the rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Masonic Grand Lodges it works under. The Club will participate in charitable community service events, support local masonic lodges and appendant bodies, and raise and distribute money for their own charitable goal (i.e. scholarship).
Charitable Activity
Each independent charter of the Club shall operate as a charitable organization and shall define their charitable activities in their individual bylaws.
ARTICLE III – Membership
Members shall be defined as Full Patch Members. Prerequisite membership in Freemasonry includes all US based F&AM, AF&AM, AFM, FAAM and PHA Grand Lodge Affiliated Blue Lodges. Masons in lodges outside the US shall be members of a Grand Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of California.
Full Patch Members
Master Mason status does not automatically make one a member. Final determination of membership shall be based on completing all the Prospect expectations as well as earning the unanimous approval of Full Patch Members.
• Shall be a Master Mason in Good Standing with his Blue Lodge
• Shall possess a valid motorcycle operator license, registration, and insurance
• Shall own and ride a 750cc or larger 2-wheel cruiser or bagger style motorcycle that is in good working order
• Completed all expectations of a Prospect
• Receive unanimous approval of the charter’s members (see voting below)
• Nomad Status is not permitted
Expectations of Full Patch Members:
• Attend club meetings, rides, and group functions
• Participate in and/or organize club fundraisers and public events
• Represent the club and freemasonry at all times
• Serve the club with his talents and skills with the goal of improving the club
• Protect other members and prospects of the club, its reputation, and his patch
• Stay current on any dues or fees
A vote for Full Patch Member status must be announced to all members of the charter at least seven days prior to the vote being conducted. If the vote is unanimously approved by the members present at the vote, the executive board shall plan a patching ceremony. If the vote is not unanimously approved, the prospect period is terminated, at which time all club patches and regalia are surrendered by the candidate. A failed vote will be reported to the Combined Executive Committee to prevent the applicant from applying at other charters.
Master Mason status does not automatically make one a Prospect. Final determination of status shall be based on completing all the Hang-Around expectations as well as earning the unanimous approval of Full Patch Members. The prospect period is a minimum of six months beginning at a vote for acceptance.
• Shall be a Member (any degree) in Good Standing with his Masonic Blue Lodge
• Shall possess a valid motorcycle operator license, registration, and insurance
• Shall own and ride a 750cc or larger 2-wheel cruiser or bagger style motorcycle that is in good working order
• Must be sponsored by a Full Patch Member
• Completed all expectations of a Hang-Around
• Submit a completed application and pay the application fee
• Receive unanimous approval of the charter’s members (see voting below)
Minimum Expectations of Prospects:
• Attend all club functions unless excused by an executive or the prospect coach
• Get to know all the members of the charter
• Follow all directions provided by his sponsor and/or prospect coach
• Show service to the club by completing directed and self-directed tasks benefitting the club and its Full Patch Members (i.e. attend to the clubhouse, guard the members’ bikes, accompany Full Patch Members when in public settings, etc)
• Further familiarize himself with club protocol, group riding, and motorcycle culture
• Initiate rides with individual members and participate in small group rides
• Protect club members and other prospects, the club and its reputation, and his prospect cut
• Stay current on any dues or fees
A vote for Prospect status shall be held at a regular monthly meeting of the club or at a special meeting where all members are given a seven-day notice. If the vote is unanimously approved by the members present at the vote, the candidate will be accepted as a Prospect. If a vote for Prospect status is not unanimously approved, the candidate is prohibited from re-applying for a period of six months and their application fee is returned. The membership may vote to block a candidate from the charter, which will be reported to the Combined Executive Committee. The Combined Executive Committee will determine if the candidate will be banned from all charters.
The Hang-Around period is a minimum of three months and begins at the first attendance of club events.
• Any male who is a Mason or is eligible to become a Mason
• Shall possess a valid motorcycle operator license, registration, and insurance
• Shall have access to, and ride, a 750cc or larger 2-wheel cruiser or bagger style motorcycle that is in good working order
• Shall be a competent individual rider (recommended that he complete a riding course)
• Should be interested in joining the Club
Minimum Expectations of Hang-Arounds:
• Participate in four one-on-one rides with Full Patch Members to show riding proficiency
• Attend two or more club functions to meet club members
• Complete two group rides (five or more members) to learn group riding style and techniques
• Become familiar with club protocol, group riding, and motorcycle culture
• For a non-Mason, become familiar with Masonry and visit with a local Masonic Blue Lodge
Emeritus Members
Shall fulfill all requirements of a Full Patch Member, except as listed below
• Has been medically restricted from riding a 2-wheel motorcycle.
• Shall own and ride a 750cc or larger 3-wheel cruiser or bagger style motorcycle, uncovered, straddle seat, handlebar steering, with one front and two rear wheels, that is in good working order
• Must receive approval of the charter’s members (see voting below)
• May not hold an elected office in the club
• Nomad Status is not permitted
Expectations of Emeritus Members:
The same as any Full Patch Member, except as listed below
• Must ride behind the Tailgunner, in front of any support vehicles
A vote for Emeritus Member Status must be announced to all members of the charter at least seven days prior to the vote being conducted. For a member with under 5 years of membership in the Ruffians MC, the charter must vote unanimously to approve this status. For a member between 5 and 10 years of membership in the Ruffians MC, a simple majority of the charter is required. A member with over 10 years of membership in the Ruffians MC may choose this status without the need for a vote by informing the membership of the charter.
Resignation of Membership
The membership of any member will terminate immediately upon the submission of a notice in writing or electronically of such resignation to any member of the Executive Board of their Charter. That Board will notify the C.E.C. of the change in membership. Refer to Article VII for the return of Club property.
Dual Membership
Membership in multiple charters of the Club is limited to:
- Full Patched Members
- No more than two charters
- One charter must be a full charter
- One charter must be a probationary charter
- Upon the new charter’s certification of acceptance, all dual members must demit from one of the charters and return to single membership.
Former Member Returning:
As long as the former member is not “Out Bad” with any charter he may petition a Charter to return as a member of the Club. The petition must be in writing. The petition will be read at the next regular meeting of the Charter petitioned and will be voted on the following regular meeting of the Charter being petitioned. The Charter shall impose stipulations (ie: probation period or prospect period) on the return to a Full Patch Member. Probation Period is defined as removing the Center Patch for a given time. A former member may only request return to the Club one time.
A vote allowing a former member to return requires Unanimous approval by the Charter members present at the vote. If a vote for Return of Membership status is not approved by a Unanimous vote, the candidate is prohibited from re-applying for a period of one (1) year. The membership may vote to block a candidate from the Charter, which will be reported to the Combined Executive Committee. If the Charter wants to block a return to membership from their Charter the Vote must be Unanimous. This Vote will also be reported to the Combined Executive Committee.
ARTICLE IV – Officers
Officers Defined
The Elected Officers of each Charter of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The requirement to run for an elected position shall be one year as a full patched member.
Additional appointed officers are to be Sergeant at Arms, Road Captain and Tail Gunner. These positions may be appointed only by the President.
Officers’ Duties Defined
The executive duties of the President are as follows:
- To preside over meetings of both the Charter’s Executive Board and the Charter as a whole.
- To judge items not covered in the Constitution or Bylaws.
- To act as the personal representative of the Charter in public relations, as a liaison between the MC and Grand Lodges, blue lodges, local law enforcement agencies and as a connecting link between motorcycle clubs.
- To represent the Club in any Club business contacts and to supervise major economic transactions unless delegated to another member for business purposes only.
- To assist officers in the interpretation of their Club responsibilities, and to promote club life among member in general.
- To be a member of the Combined Executive Committee – See Article IX.
Vice President
The executive duties of the Vice President are:
- To assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the President is unable to do so.
- To oversee Prospect progress and present a report during church.
- To be a member of the Combined Executive Committee – See Article IX (when applicable).
The executive duties of the secretary are as follows:
- To record and safeguard the minutes of the Charter’s meetings.
- To maintain the Charter’s Bylaws, recording any additions, deletions, or modifications.
- To handle all Charter correspondence.
- To collect all money from the membership, create a receipt and pay the same to the Treasurer.
- To record beginning and ending balances monthly when reported by the treasurer at church.
- To act as a connecting link between motorcycle clubs and solicitors.
The executive duties of the treasurer are as follows:
- To receive all money from the Secretary and deposit upon receipt.
- To monitor and record the Charter’s income and expenditures.
- To collect the dues and fines owing by members.
- To Maintain full accounting details and present full reports with bank statements for audit.
Sergeant at Arms
The executive duties of the Sergeant at Arms are as follows:
- To maintain order at Club meetings in particular, and Club activities in general.
- To ensure that members adhere to Club rulings, policies, and expected models of conduct when dealing with other members or outsiders.
- To defend Club members and Club property from outside threats.
- To enforce Club rules.
- To protect and serve the President.
- Is the only Club Member allowed to break rank while riding to protect the Club.
- Responsible for storing and maintaining Club paraphernalia (ex, Patches).
Road Captain
The duties of the road captain are as follows:
- To plan the travel routes and organize the basic itinerary of the Club prior to going on a “Run.”
- To lead the Club in formation during a run.
- To enforce Club rules and procedures for group riding.
- The Road Captain is in charge while riding.
Tail Gunner
- To follow and start the requested action from the Road Captain when safe to do so.
- To assist in Club safety when performing road maneuvers.
Removal From Office
- An officer not doing his job must be counseled by the president on job duties and responsibilities before any further action may be taken.
- If the issue of job performance involves the President, a committee made up of the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms of their Charter will be formed by the Vice-President to meet with the President and counsel him before any action may be taken.
- Removal from office shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting where a minimum of one week’s notice is provided prior to the meeting that a motion will be made for the removal of an elected officer.
- Removal from office may be made if a “True” vote of “No Confidence” is made. Evidence must be presented to substantiate the allegation leading to the vote of no confidence.
Executive Committee
The elected officers shall constitute the charter’s Executive Committee along with the Sergeant at Arms. All members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum present. Electronic meetings shall be authorized. The executive committee is responsible for:
- The monitoring of conflicts within the Club and/or charter.
- The application of disciplinary procedures.
- The evaluation of prospects and their progress.
- Presentation of the state of the Club and/or charter to all members.
- To make minor decisions on behalf of the Charter when approval from the membership is not readily available (ex. Flowers for a funeral or other function).
ARTICLE V – Meetings
Each charter shall conduct club business at a monthly meeting held on a posted day and time established in their bylaws.
5 members shall make a quorum, 2 of which shall be elected officers.
Every member is required to be present (in person or virtually) for at least two (2) meetings during a “rolling” twelve-month period. This will allow members to stay informed and involved with the Club even if they are at a distance. If a member is unable to attend at least two meetings during a “rolling” twelve-month period, they will be placed on a sabbatical and will be required to return their patches to the Charter President or Sergeant at Arms until they are able to return and be active. The membership of this member’s Charter will conduct a majority vote when the member on sabbatical has requested to return. Once a majority “Yes” vote by the membership occurs the member returning from sabbatical must attend (either virtually or in person) at least 2 meetings to demonstrate their ability to maintain an active connection with the club prior to be returned to good standing with the Club.
Electronic Meetings
Electronic meetings shall be authorized by the presiding officer. No Club business shall be discussed on Social Media.
Votes shall be open voice votes. No secret ballot votes shall be taken. All members shall vote on issues presented to the Club. Proxy votes may be given to any member by a member who will be absent at a meeting. The attending member shall announce he is casting a proxy vote for the absent member and that announcement shall be recorded in the minutes.
All expenditure of funds shall be voted on by the members present at a meeting. All checks shall be counter signed.
Committees shall be appointed as needed by the President or Vice President.
Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings where they are not in conflict with the bylaws, rules of order, or other rules of the Club.
ARTICLE VI – Conduct and Discipline
Code of Conduct
- All members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner as to bring honor and respect to the club at all times. Any actions, by a member, deemed detrimental to the organization, shall be cause for review under the disciplinary procedures and could result in discipline up to or including suspension or expulsion from membership. At no time should any member be associated with 1% or “outlaw” organizations. Such association shall be deemed grounds for immediate suspension and possible revocation of membership.
- Members may join or be associated with charitable Riding Clubs (ex. Patriot Guard, Bikers Against Child Abuse, etc.) with the approval of the Club’s Membership. The approval requires a unanimous vote of Full Patch Members present at the meeting the request is presented.
In the case of actions by a member that are deemed detrimental to the Club, such actions should be reported to the Executive Board along with all evidence to substantiate the allegations.
In the event that a member is accused of actions detrimental to the Club, that individual may be brought up for review before the membership. This may occur at a regularly scheduled meeting, or in the case of serious misconduct, a special meeting may be called. At that time, all evidence regarding the matter shall be presented, and the individual in question will be given an opportunity to explain his actions. Following this presentation of evidence, the accused member will be asked to leave the room and a vote will be taken to decide guilt or innocence and any sanctions that should be taken. A minimum quorum must be present to initiate a suspension or revocation of membership. The member will then be called back, and the Sergeant at Arms will inform the member of the verdict and any penalty imposed. In particularly egregious cases, the Executive Board may by unanimous vote invoke a suspension prior to the disciplinary hearing. The Sergeant at Arms will take the appropriate action deemed by the Executive Board.
Sanctions for misconduct or actions deemed detrimental to the Club will range from verbal warning or reprimand, up to or including removal of patch. Sanctions will be noted by the Secretary and filed appropriately.
ARTICLE VII – Apparel and Regalia
Club Patches are the property of the Founding Charter only. The issuance of patches to a new charter and or new member will be by the Founding Charter. The Ruffians MC colors are Black and Pantone Gray 429C. The Ruffians MC font is Iron Gate. The Ruffians MC patches, colors and font shall not be altered in any manner whatsoever.
A member who voluntarily or involuntarily leaves the Club must surrender all Club Property and any items that denote membership in the Club (rings, shirts, etc) to his charter within 14 days. Paying Initiation Fees/Patch Fees/Dues/Merchandise Fees does not constitute a “purchase” of patches or Club Branded items, and at no time are refundable.
Wearing of Club Colors / Cuts
The club colors/cuts/vests shall be as follows:
- Vest shall be black leather or black denim as approved by the member’s charter.
- Front of the vest will have the following required patches:
- Member’s name or nick name
- Officer patch if appropriate
- Charter patch
- RFFR patch (with XIII for Founding Charter Members)
- Tombstone Memorial Patch
- The back of the vest shall only have the following required patches:
- Top rocker “Ruffians”
- The middle Club insignia
- To the right of the Club insignia is the side cube with the members Lodge Number.
- All required patches issued by the Club, have a specific location on the vest. See Exhibit #1
- Other patches or pins the member chooses may be placed on the front of the vest
- Exception: no patches, pins or any other type of identifier of other Motorcycle Clubs.
- All patches must be in the same colors as the Club colors. Exception made for Members grandfathered in as of June 1, 2017 who may wear patches on the front of their vest that do not follow the Club colors.
- No other patches, pins or regalia shall be allowed on the back of the vest.
Members shall wear their colors when participating in all club functions.
Prospect Cuts
The prospect patch shall be applied to the lower back section of the vest, with no other patches, pins or regalia. The front of the prospect vest shall have a black and grey (subdued) American flag patch, a Prospect and Ruffians tag. The patches will be placed as directed by Exhibit #2 with the Prospect tag being placed in the member’s name tag position and the Ruffians tag being placed in the Officer’s tag position. Prospects shall wear their colors when participating in all club functions.
Prospective Charter Cuts
A prospective charters’ patches shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Founding Charter. They may be standard Prospect Colors, Slick-back, or issued in stages based on the territory, the members safety, and the dedication of the charter. See Exhibit #2
Founding Charter
The charter of the Ruffians Motorcycle Club incorporated as “Ruffians M.C.” in California and registered with the IRS as “Ruffians M.C.” is the Founding Charter and will act as the original charter for all other charters in the organization. This founding charter will:
- Post the Constitution for public viewing on the Club website.
- Make an announcement of a new Charter to all other Charters.
- Procure and distribute all clothing items that display the Ruffians MC patches on the back of the item when these items are fashioned in such a way as to resemble Ruffians MC members’ patches.
- Procure and distribute Ruffians MC patches to be worn on all members’ vests.
- Provide Certificates of Acceptance recognizing each Ruffians Motorcycle Club Charter.
- With the approval of the Combined Executive Committee, revoke or suspend any Ruffians Motorcycle Club Charter that fails to maintain the integrity of this Constitution.
- Maintain a roster of all Charters’ Executive Boards and all patched members.
- Will determine the location of the mandatory Moose Run each year. The Founding Charter shall notify all Charters of the selected date and location of the Moose Run AT LEAST SIX (6) months in advance so travel arrangements can be made.
- Maintain a Club website and supervise Charter websites. The website shall include:
- A page for each Charter with the contact information of the Charter’s Executive Committees and a link to their website (if applicable).
- A page with links to Ruffians MC official documents and forms.
Each independent charter shall incorporate as a non-profit organization with the proper governmental bodies in their state/territory/country using an appropriate organizational name that incorporates the charter and “Ruffians” within it.
Request for a New Charter (Prospective or Probationary)
- Requests to establish a new Ruffians MC Charter must be submitted in writing to the Founding Charter.
- The requesting President and Vice President of the proposed New Charter or their designees must visit the President and Vice President of their sponsoring charter or their designees in person, and communicate with the President and Vice President of all charters prior to their petition being considered.
- The New Charter Application form must identify the members that will hold the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, Road Captain, and Tailgunner. (Sgt. at Arms, Road Captain, and Tailgunner are optional with approval from the Founding Charter’s Executive Committee)
- A New Charter Application form is available upon request from the Founding Charter and may be made available via request to their Secretary.
- Initial formation of a new charter must be approved by a unanimous vote by the Combined Executive Committee.
- A new charter will be assigned a Sponsor Charter by the Combined Executive Committee based on geographical proximity or other considerations.
- Officers in a New Charter shall be exempted from the one-year waiting period for holding office. Officers may be re-elected or positions re-aligned prior to full charter status either by the charter’s membership, or at the direction of the Sponsor Charter if determined it would be for the good of the club. At the time of the charter’s full acceptance, officers holding an elected or appointed position shall be exempted from the one-year waiting period for holding office.
- Should the new charter not succeed, all Full Patch Members shall be accepted back into their most recent full charters.
Specific Requirements for a Prospective Charter
A Prospective Charter is one that consists of a group made up in part or in whole of non-members having applied to be prospects and will operate as a group during their mutual prospect period.
A Prospective Charter is a special case used in specific circumstances and must be approved as such by the Founding Charter. The preferred chartering path is that new charters are formed by existing patched members from another charter. The
- A minimum of seven applicants is required to start a Prospective Charter.
- All members of the Prospective Charter, including transferring members from other Charters, shall complete a Prospective Membership Application form to be submitted to the Sponsor Charter.
- Application fees are identified in the Prospective Membership Application form.
- New prospective membership application fees will be paid to the Sponsor Charter. Full Patched Members in good standing transferring from an existing charter are not required to pay an application fee.
- A Prospective Membership Application form is available upon request from the Founding Charter and will be made available on their website.
- A Prospective Charter may not accept prospects. Prospects during this time will apply through the Sponsor Charter or through Founding Charter and may transfer to the new charter after it has been approved as a Probationary Charter.
- After a minimum six-month probationary period, the Sponsor Charter – when they feel it is appropriate – may vote on approval individually for each non-patched applicant for patched member status. The sponsor charter shall be responsible for the patching of any accepted new members with patch fees going to their Sponsor Charter.
- When a Prospective Charter has a Full Patch Member in ALL its elected officer positions, the Prospective Charter shall apply to the Combined Executive Committee to become a Probationary Charter following the steps outlined in the previous section and with the stipulations listed below.
Specific Requirements for a Probationary Charter
A Probationary Charter is one in which ALL the elected officers of the charter are Full Patch Members of the Ruffians MC.
- A minimum of five patched members is required to start a Probationary Charter
- After a six-month probationary period, the Sponsor Charter shall vote on approval for the full acceptance of the charter. Upon a unanimous approval, the Sponsor Charter shall report to the Combined Executive Committee their approval and the Combined Executive Committee shall issue a Certificate of Acceptance for the new charter.
- If a Probationary Charter is unsuccessful, Full Patched Members shall apply for affiliation in another charter within 3 months or be stripped of their membership. Nomad status is not permitted.
Charter Responsibilities
All charters completing the Probationary Charter requirements and being granted full charter status by the Ruffians MC have the following responsibilities:
- The Charter Executive Committee shall sign a document indicating they agree to abide by and maintain the integrity of the Ruffians MC Constitution.
- The Charter Executive Committee will be required to participate in at least one conference call per year with the Founding Charter Executive Committee.
- Establish individual Charter bylaws and operating policies that will not override or conflict with the Ruffians Constitution. A copy of the Charter bylaws and operating policies and any subsequent amendments will be forwarded to the Combined Executive Committee for a check of compliance with the Ruffians MC Constitution.
- Each Charter will be responsible for seeing that a roster of members including their contact information is provided to the Founding Charter on an annual basis. Further they will notify the Founding Charter of all new prospects/members within 30 days of their application approval to the Secretary and Treasurer of the Founding Charter within that time for recording on official membership.
- Be responsible for the proper conduct and licensing of all fund raisers, raffles, or events that raise monies for their Charters and do so in accordance with Local, State and Federal laws.
- Include their Charter name on all notices, flyers and calendar entries of events, fund raisers, raffles, etc…” Require all Charter members to obey all Local, State and Federal laws.
- Use the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order to settle any procedural disputes which will prevail in all cases not in conflict with the Ruffians MC Constitution or the charter’s bylaws.
- If their Ruffians Motorcycle Club Charter should disband, all assets of that Charter must be transferred evenly between all active Charters with the exception of Club paraphernalia, which is to be returned to the Founding Charter.
- Each charter must be represented at the Moose Run. It will be the responsibility of each charter to ensure that they have at least one (1) member travel to attend that event
Expulsion of a Charter
Any member who alleges that a Charter is conducting itself in a manner that conflicts with the Ruffians MC Constitution must send substantiated proof of such allegations to the Combined Executive Committee. The Combined Executive Committee will proceed with the possible expulsion as follows:
- The Combined Executive Committee will call a meeting to discuss the allegations.
- If the allegations cannot be substantiated a letter will be sent to the accused Charter President informing him of the allegations and that they cannot be substantiated.
- The allegations will be provided to the accused Charter by means of a written notification by the Sergeant at Arms of the Founding Charter or if geographically too far in a certified letter with return receipt. The accused Charter will have (30) thirty days to contest the accusations.
- If the allegations can be substantiated, a unanimous vote of the Combined Executive Committee at the inquisition meeting are required to expel a Charter.
- If the Combined Executive Committee decides to expel a Charter, written notification by means of a certified letter with return receipt will be sent to the President of the expelled Charter indicating expulsion and the rationale thereof.
When formal expulsion from the Ruffians MC is mandated, the expelled Charter will:
- Cease and desist from the Ruffians MC.
- Forfeit their patches and any Ruffians MC property to the Founding Charter within (30) thirty days of expulsion notification.
- Will have no right, title, interest or claim in any assets of the Ruffians MC.
- Relinquish any rights to a refund of fees or contributions by the expelled Charter to the Founding Charter.
- Turn over all monies and bank records or statements to the Founding Charter for even distribution of monies amongst the remaining Charters.
- Turn over all Secretary Logs and/or minutes to the Founding Charter for filing.
The Combined Executive Committee will notify all Ruffians MC Charters of the expulsion. No member from the Charter facing expulsion hearings may transfer to another Charter during the time of the allegations to escape the pending decision of the Combined Executive Committee.
Charter Autonomy
- Each Charter operates independently from the Founding Charter and independently from all other Charters of the Ruffians Motorcycle Club while still being bound by the Ruffians MC Constitution.
- Each Charter is responsible for its own actions, conduct and is liable for any and all of their performed functions.
- Charters and or their individual members do not pay annual dues or fees to the Founding Charter. Charters must purchase the required patch sets for each member from Founding Charter “at cost” of each set.
- Individual Charters are authorized to use the Ruffians MC insignia to benefit their individual Charter, not any individual member(s).
ARTICLE IX – Combined Executive Committee
The CEC shall always have an odd number of members as defined below. All CEC members must be present (in person or virtually) when the committee meeting is called for, provided a 30-day’s notice has been issued. In the event a member cannot make a meeting he shall designate a replacement, as long as the replacement is a member of his Charters Executive Committee. The Founding Charter President will be the Chairman of the CEC. The Junior Charter shall act as Secretary pro-tem of the CEC.
Founding Charter – The CEC shall consist of the following members – The Founding Charter President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer & Sergeant at Arms.
Founding Charter +1 – The CEC shall consist of the following members when a 2nd charter is created (two total charters): The Founding Charter President, Vice President & Secretary – 2nd Charter President & Vice President (5 total members)
Founding Charter +2 – The CEC shall consist of the following members when a third charter is created (three total charters): The Founding Charter President & Vice President – 2nd Charter President & Vice President – 3rd Charter President. (5 total members)
Founding Charter +3 – The CEC shall consist of the following members when a fourth charter is created (four total charters): The Founding Charter President & Vice President – 2nd Charter President – 3rd Charter President – 4th Charter President. (5 total members)
Founding Charter +4 – The CEC shall consist of the following members when a fifth charter is created (five total charters): The Founding Charter President – 2nd Charter President – 3rd Charter President – 4th Charter President – 5th Charter President. (5 total members).
Growth beyond 5 Charters will result in each charter’s president being a member of the committee with the Founding Charter Vice President added in cases where an even number of members is on the committee.
The Combined Executive Committee reserves the right to suspend or revoke the use of the name, patches, and Insignia by any individual Charter or Charter member for violations of the Ruffians MC Constitution, expulsion from Freemasonry, violation of Local, State, and/or Federal laws, criminal offenses or conduct that brings discredit to the Ruffians Motorcycle Club.
ARTICLE X – Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by the Combined Executive Committee of the Ruffians Motorcycle Club by a majority vote of the members of that body.
Proposed Amendment Process
Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be suggested by a Charter, not individual members. Individual members with proposals for amendments must first propose those amendments to their Charter. Once the proposal is accepted by a majority of the voting members of the Charter, it may be presented by that Charter to the Combined Executive Committee in writing for consideration.
Submission Requirements
Proposals should be submitted in writing (or email) at least 45 days prior to a scheduled monthly meeting for consideration. If all CEC members cast a vote (not via proxy) and the vote is unanimous, an amendment may be accepted without a 30-day waiting period.
Consideration of Amendments
Proposals for amendments to the Constitution presented to the Combined Executive Committee will be distributed to all charters’ Presidents for charters to discuss internally. The Combined Executive Committee shall allow no less than 30 days for charters to review and discuss with their CEC representatives before conducting a meeting to vote on the amendment.
The Ruffians Motorcycle Club accepts no responsibility or liability for the actions of any of its members or the actions of any other Charter or organization.
Article XII – Dissolution
Dissolution of Ruffians MC in its Entirety
In the instance that the Ruffians MC is entirely disbanded, all assets remaining after the resolution of any outstanding debts or other financial obligations shall be donated to the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children.
Full Patch Member Patch Locations
Front of Vest
Right Side (when wearing):
- Top of vest to top of Charter Patch = 1.5”
- Bottom of Charter Patch to top of Officer Billet = .5”
Left Side (when wearing):
- Top of vest to Country Flag = 1.5”
- Bottom of Country Flag to Name Billet = .5”
- RFFR XIII (Founding) or RFFR Patch ¼” to 1” up from the bottom seam and lined up with the closest vertical seam to the left of the buttons or zippers in the middle of the cut.
- Memorial Patch (Tombstone) 1” to the left of the RFFR XIII (Founding) or RFFR Patch and ¼” to 1” up from the bottom seam (Bottom of Memorial Patch must line up with RFFR XIII or RFFR Patch
Back of Vest
- From the collar of vest to top of Ruffians patch = 3.5”
- From bottom of Ruffian patch to Sword = 1.25”
- Center Lodge Number patch to the right of the Square & Compass and 1” over and centered on the point of the Square & Compass

Prospect, Out of Area Prospect and Prospective Charter
Front of Vest
Right Side:
- Ruffians Billet lined up directly across from the Prospect Billet (Bottom of both Billets lined up).
Left Side:
- Top of vest to Country Flag = 1.5”
- Bottom of Country Flag to Prospect Billet = .5”.

Back of Vest – Prospect
- Prospect Patch is to be centered and placed 3” from the bottom seam of the cut.

Back of Vest – Out of Area Prospect and Non-Full Patch Probationary Charter
- Slick Back until Top Rocker and Full Patch earned. Once earned placement same as Full Patch measurements.

(Editor’s note: Last Edited and Ratified by all Charters in September 2024. Refer to the bylaws of each specific charter for additional information pertaining to individual charters below)
Links to Charter bylaws
* Founding Charter
* Jubelum Charter
* Boaz Charter